TRiNDS and Patient-Centricity

TRiNDS partners with innovative clients working in rare neuromuscular disease research to provide contract research services around the world. Our specialized, experienced, and knowledgeable teams bring high level, continuous service, specialized processes, and strong relationships to every trial we support. TRiNDS focuses on rare neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) because of the unique clinical care needs and life experiences of people and families living with NMDs.

Rare NMD clinical trials require specialized solutions to best serve those who are living with NMDs. To maximize participant experiences, rare NMD clinical trials need skilled and dedicated sites to work with families, databases built to accurately capture expected clinical outcomes, and efficiency across sites to minimize delays and interruptions. This is why a custom, participant-centered approach is central to our work. TRiNDS customizes our services in the aim of improving site performance, trial efficiency, and participant experiences by consulting on protocol design, tailoring database builds, and/or creating specialized monitoring strategies. We work alongside sponsors to select and implement services that cater to the needs of the NMD population, clinical care providers, and the science behind it all. We come to work every day committed to rare disease research and eager to leverage our teams’ experience for our clients and the populations we serve.

TRiNDS is a contract research organization (CRO) dedicated to conducting rare and neuromuscular disease research. We customize our services to each project to meet its unique needs. Contact TRiNDS today to learn more about how TRiNDS can help your project succeed.